Below are some of the ways that you can make your website mobile friendly -
BaseKit available here -
BaseKit siteBuilder is a professional tool that lets you create a website without the need for technical knowledge. BaseKit siteBuilder gives you complete freedom and control when creating your website. It works straight in your browser so there’s no need to download.
All templates used on the sitebuilder are fully optimized to make your website mobile friendly.
WordPress - Get Hosting
Install WordPress through the Application Vault
Install WordPress Manually
Most modern wordpress themes come with responsive capabilities. If your current theme is not responsive be sure to check its up to date, the developer of the theme may have added responsive functionality. However, it that's not the case and you want to keep your current theme, you have the option to make your website mobile friendly with several plugins offered by WordPress.
Of course, the better option would be to replace the theme with a responsive one.
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