The information in this article relates directly to Plesk Panel environments - on Linux, however it can be referred to for similar diskspace related issues in other Linux environments.
If you are finding that the diskspace is low on your server, where Plesk Panel is installed, it would be suggested to check the following locations on the server (via SSH/command line) to see how the diskspace is being used currently and to determine if there is an issue in one (or more) specific locations.
Plesk Panel Backups
Plesk Panel backups are typically the reason why most servers run out of space - over a short period of time at least, whether it is due to misconfiguration of the backup routine/schedule in place via Plesk, the build up of old backups or increased storage requirements from backups taken.
The main Plesk Panel backups can be found at the following location:
The Reseller/Client/Domain level backups can be found at sub-directories in the same location:
Reseller: /var/lib/psa/dumps/resellers/<RESELLER>/clients/<CLIENT>/domains/<DOMAIN>/
Client: /var/lib/psa/dumps/clients/<CLIENT>/domains/<DOMAIN>/
Domain: /var/lib/psa/dumps/domains/<DOMAIN>/
The following article furthers on this information, with a generic example:
If you find that the Plesk Panel backups are using most of the diskspace, you will need to:
- Upgrade your Cloud VM package, where possible, to cater for the increased resource requirements. (AND/OR)
- Remove older backups to clear current diskspace. (AND)
- Re-configure the backup system to suit your diskspace resources.
Note that we also offer a CDP service which you can avail of for your server, where backups taken will be stored online and away from your server i.e. the backups do not use your server's diskspace for storage. If you wish to enquire about this service, please email, with your Cloud VM details, while ensuring your email comes from a listed admin's email account i.e. listed on the corresponding account at
See the article below for more information on this:
System and Website Logs
A common place to check is the system and website logs, where they can build up overtime - or quite suddenly, depending on certain events. If it is a case where you find a build of logs, this can indicate an issue with the respective services and you would need to investigate the logs to determine the cause.
The System Logs can be found at the following location:
The Website Logs can be found at various locations, depending on the website/domain name in question - see below:
The following article can offer more information in relation to Plesk and Service related logs and paths to the same - it is also a useful reference for when you are troubleshooting other issues on the server:
Helpful Commands And Resources
To gain SSH access to the server, you will need to retrieve the 'root' user's password and connect via an SSH capable software - such as Putty.
See the articles below for more information:
You can then use the following commands to inspect the diskspace usage in respective locations:
Run this on specific directories, where it will give you an overall figure of usage:
du -hs DirectoryName
Run this (within) respective directories, where this will give you a breakdown of usage:
find . -not -name . -type d -exec du -hs -BM {} \; | sort -n -k1
Further Queries
If you have any further queries on any of this, or are unable to find the source of the increased diskspace usage, please email, with your Cloud VM details, while ensuring your email comes from a listed admin's email account i.e. listed on the corresponding account at
Note also that it may be a requirement that you avail of Enhanced Support services, in order for us to troubleshoot further with you - see the article below:
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