Domain with such name already exists error


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    Niamh McEvoy

    I'm confused by this...

    I have one account only with any hosting/domain reg service and that's with Blacknight. I registered a domain name and bought hosting on the same day, same account, last week. I am now trying to link the two so the domain is hosted by the minimus hosting I bought. I'm having the same problem as the title here - "domain with such name already exists error".

    I'm not sure what is meant by removing the domain from the 'all domains' section as I can't find such a section. What I can see is "Registered Domains" and "Hosted Domains". Reg Domains includes the domain I registered and when I go into it it doesn't seem to have an option to remove it from this section (also, I'm afraid that if I do anything such as remove to it that it will somehow be lost / destroyed).

    Can you walk through this with me? Sorry, I'm new with this and trying to get my head around it.


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    Online Retail Solutions Ltd.

    I've followed these steps but when I try to add the domain to the hosting account I get this error message :


    "Domain name '' is reserved by domain part of existing service user."

    How can I fix this?

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