This only applies to sites already hosted with Blacknight on our legacy Minimus, Medius, and Maximus plans (it does not apply to Mega, Giga, Tera, or Wordpress plans).
To Backup the current site:
1) Download and install an FTP client, such as filezilla for example.
More on FTP can be found here on our guide:
2) Obtain the ftp details for the current site under:
Websites >> $DOMAIN_NAME >> "FTP Access" (Linux) or "Web configuration" (Windows)
(reset password or create new user if you do not know the current password)
3) Download the Vault installation files via FTP. The location of the files would be:
4) Export and import the database:
To Export:
You need to export the database via PHPmyAdmin under:
More services >> Databases >> $DATABASE_NAME >> Browse database manager (Blue link)
Within here, select the database name in the top left, then click on "Export", select "Quick" and then "Go" to download the .sql file.
To Import the backed up site:
1) Upload to the Root location for the manual install. The location should be:
2) Create a new database for $DOMAIN_NAME under:
More services >> Databases >> Create new database
3) Import the backed up .sql file:
You need to import the database via PHPmyAdmin under:
More services >> Databases >> $NEW_DATABASE >> Browse database manager (Blue link)
Within here, select the database name in the top left, then click on "Import", select your .sql file and "Go"
4) Update any config files to look at the new paths as well as the new database under:
Websites >> $DOMAIN_NAME >> file manager >> $DOMAIN_NAME >> right click on the "config file" >> Edit file >> Enter the new database details
5) Uninstall the application vault install (Optional but recommended if the URL path is set to only "/" )
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