This applies to our legacy Minimus\Medius\Maximus plans only
A Note On The Registration/Billing Of A Domain Name
If you are simply looking to move the Domain Name Registration (or Billing) of the Domain Name to another Blacknight account, please refer to the following article:
How do I move the billing of a domain into someone else's account?
Note That You Can Only Have The Domain Name Setup For Hosting In A Single Blacknight Account
What this means is if you want to have access to, or control over:
- The DNS Hosting of a Domain Name, where it is using our nameservers.
- The Website Hosting of a Domain Name, where it is using our Shared Hosting.
- The Email Hosting of a Domain Name, where it is using our Shared Hosting.
You must have the domain setup via your account - in the Hosted Domains section.
If the Domain Name is already in your own account and you require access to any of those components - via your own account, you will not be able to move the Hosting of the Domain Name to another account.
The key note here is that if all components are using Shared Hosting, it is not possible to split any one of the components i.e. Website, Email or DNS hosting into another account as it all can only be setup in one account. [The Domain Registration/Billing can though be in a different account]
If you are not sure about this part, please contact us if you would like to review the current setup or if you have any queries so we can advise further before you proceed.
Carrying Out The Move
There are various steps you need to take before proceeding:
- Backing up of Website file and database data.
- Backing up of Email data and noting down which accounts were setup (and forwarding etc.).
- Noting down of any DNS Records that you will need to replicate to the new account.
The following article explains the process in more detail overall:
Moving A Domain Between Two Shared Hosting Subscriptions
Further Queries
If you have any queries on this, please contact our Support team - see the following for our contact details:
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