This applies to our legacy Minimus\Medius\Maximus plans only
A Note On The Registration/Billing Of A Domain Name
Neither of the below methods will affect the Domain Registration at all, as such if you are looking to move the registration/billing of the domain please refer to the following article:
How do I move the billing of a domain into someone else's account?
A Note On DNS Records On The Domain Name
Please contact our support team for help on moving the DNS hosting for any domains to the new subscription.
If both subscriptions are on the same account we may be able to switch the DNS hosting for you, otherwise you need to note down the current records and re-create them on the new account.
The Short Method
This only applies to if there is no existing website or email on the domain name at the moment or the Website, Email and DNS is hosted with another company.
Note that if the Domain Name is using the DNS hosting here, this process will remove that and will cause the Domain Name to go down i.e. Website and Email hosting and any other services relying on that DNS.
First delete the domain from the hosting section of the account:
Hosted Domains >> (The Domain Name) > Delete
At this point, you can then re-add the domain to the new account or subscription in the existing account:
Hosted Domains >> Add Registered Domain
We would recommend that when re-adding Website Hosting to the domain, during the process you:
- Set "Create new webspace".
- Set the location set as the Domain Name/Hostname being added.
You can read more on the process of adding the domain via the following article:
Adding A Domain For Hosting And FTP
The Long Method
This applies if the domain has active Website and/or Email and/or DNS in use on a current subscription and you want to move it to another subscription for whatever reason.
There will be downtime while doing this.
While this won't affect the domain registration at all it will irreversibly remove data from the domain. Effectively, it may well delete everything associated with this domain from your control panel so ensure that you have everything backed up before removing the domain.
To move the hosting you need to have:
- The Website files downloaded to your local computer and database exported (if there is one):
- Changing Website hosting will delete any Site Application installations on that domain.
- You must first convert the Site Application to a Manual Installation, then download the same.
- See Moving an Application Vault install to a Manual Install for more information.
- The Email accounts setup noted down and have the email data fully backed up/exported:
- Changing email hosting to a new subscription will remove the accounts and data in them.
- If you did not backup the data before removing it will be lost.
- The DNS Records noted down, so you can replicate them again when re-added:
- Removing the domain will delete the DNS from our system.
When you are ready to proceed, you can delete website hosting from the domain from your own account under:
Hosted Domains >> (The Domain Name) >> Web >> Remove Hosting
Once you carry out that deletion, the website and email may well go down from this point.
At this point, you can then re-add the domain to the new account or subscription in the existing account:
Hosted Domains >> The Domain Name >> Add Hosting (beside Website Hosting)
We would recommend that when re-adding Website Hosting to the domain, during the process you:
- Set "Create new webspace".
- Set the location set as the Domain Name/Hostname being added.
You can read more on the process of adding the domain via the following article:
Adding A Domain For Hosting And FTP
While waiting for the domain DNS changes to update, and point to the new hosting location, which can take a few hours, you can re-upload the Website files and database and go about setting up the email accounts to have it all ready for when DNS updates.
Further Queries
If you have any queries on this, please contact our Support team - see the following for our contact details:
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