Domains using and nameservers
And domains where the registration has been moved to the new platform
Log in to and go to:
Domains > Manage DNS > Click the Edit Zone (pencil) icon to the right of the domain in question
- Put @ in the name field if you want a record on the domainname itself
- You generally don't need to change the TTL
- You should not change the NS records for the root of the domain. Please follow our instructions for changing nameservers instead
- If you are copying DNS records for a new Domain Alias then note down the DNS records on your primary domain as per the above, then go back and edit your new domain, and re-create all the DNS records there. You most likely only need the @ and www. A records depending on your needs.
Older domains using and nameservers
(excluding domains where the registration has been moved to the new platform)
Log in to and go to:
Home > Hosted Domains > domainname > DNS > DNS Records
- If adding a record for @ then leave the first field empty, this just refers to the domain itself.
- If you cannot click Add new DNS record here then you might need to enable Zone Management Ability under:
- Home > Hosted Domains > domain name > Edit
- You might need to remove the default parking hosting, or any forwarding\web hosting you set up first. That is under:
- Home > Hosted Domains > domain name > Web > Remove Hosting
- If the domain is using website hosting then this can remove files and databases.
- Home > Hosted Domains > domain name > Web > Remove Hosting
- If pointing the email for your domain somewhere else then you can remove mail hosting from our side under:
- Home > Hosted Domains > domain name > Mail > Remove Hosting
- You can ignore this if there is no Mail tab. This will remove email accounts you created through us, and their contents.
Some common records you might want to add:
A Record
This points a hostname to a server by the server IP Address. This is the most common kind of DNS record. Examples are: (or depending on the platform) - pointing to server - pointing to server - pointing to server
Where is your own domain and the series of numbers - the IP address, is the IP address of the server you are pointing the domain to. Typically you can get this information from your hosting provider.
To set up an A record select the A record from the drop down menu when creating a new DNS record. Put the first part of the hostname excluding the part into the first field (leave blank if setting it up for just the and put in * for a wildcard A record). Put the IP address in to the IP Address field and then submit\finish.
MX Record
MX records control where the email for a domain goes. You typically want to set these up for itself, pointing to something like or your mail service provider.
CNAME Records
A CNAME record is pretty much the same as an A record however instead of pointing a hostname to an IP Address it points to a hostname. For example: - pointing to
To set up a CNAME select the CNAME option from the drop down menu when creating a new DNS record. Put the first part of the hostname excluding the part into the first field. Put the hostname\value in to the Canonical Name field and ensure to put a . at the end of the hostname here, then submit\finish.
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