If you need to see how to set up Titan email on older versions of Outlook, or other email clients, please see here:
Settings up email accounts on Outlook 2019
Setting up the Email account
Outlook will try to fetch setup information automatically but will be unable to do so, as such you need to keep clicking Connect (or Next) until it lets you proceed to the next step to enter details manually.
1) Open Outlook and go to File >> Add Account and type in your email address.
Note that you need to ensure you tick "Let me set up my account manually" and then click Connect.
2) Choose IMAP from the list shown.
3) Type in your password.
This is the password for the email account itself - not the Blacknight Control Panel admin login.
4) You will be presented with this screen, enter the information as per the image below.
Fill in the various fields as follows:
- Your Name: Whatever name you want to appear on your Emails.
- E-Mail Address: Your full email address.
- Account Type: IMAP (recommended unless you specifically wish to use POP).
- Incoming Mail Server: imap0101.titan.email (or pop0101.titan.email if using POP)
- Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP): smtp0101.titan.email
- User Name: Your full email address.
- Password: The password you assigned to the email account when you created it.
- Encryption: StartTLS or SSL/TLS
Once ready, click Next.
4) The account should then be added.
We recommend unchecking the box for "Outlook Mobile" and then click OK to finish the process.
Further Queries
If you have any queries on this, please contact our Support team - see the following for our contact details:
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