Please ensure to follow these instructions carefully as Mac Mail will not accept the email address unless these settings are specified.
1. Open Up Mac Mail and browse to the following:
Mail > Add Account > Other Mail Account
2. Provide the following settings:
- Name: What you would like others to see when you send them an email
- Email address: The email address you are adding to Mac Mail
- Password: The password for this specific email address you are adding
3. Click Next and the provide the server information as requested:
- Account Type: We recommend IMAP
-Incoming Mail Server: or
- Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP):
4. If you receive an error regarding 'Unable to verify account settings', proceed regardless.
5. Browse to the following:
Mail > Preferences > Accounts > Select email account > Server Settings
6. Ensure the following settings are applied:
- Disable 'Automatically manage connection settings' for both Incoming and Outgoing
- Host name: or (inbound\pop\imap) and (outgoing\SMTP)
- Type the full email address for the username, and put in the password. Fill these out for both incoming and outgoing.
- Authentication: Password for both incoming and outgoing
- Use TLS/SSL must be enabled for both incoming and outgoing
7. Finally, browse to the following and ensure these settings are applied:
Mail > Preferences > Accounts > Outgoing Mail > Account: Edit SMTP Server List
- Ensure 'Automatically manage connection settings' is disabled in here also
- Insert the same username, password and host name as above
- Port number for the outgoing server should be 587.
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