There are a few things that will cause issues and cause integration from our Panel to your VPS to break.
1) Don't re-install your Plesk VPS from within the control panel, your licence key will not be re-installed automatically, drop us an e-mail to if you do
2) Adding more domains than your licence allows for our Panel will result in errors displaying
3) If you are registering a domain, click billing within our CP and do it there simply adding it into your VPS will not register the domain for you.
4) The default user that our system creates in plesk is where domains added via our CP get added, if you change its password you'll break the integration between each system. An update later in the year will make this a two way change. i.e. a change in Plesk will update our CP or a change in our CP will update plesk. The later is how it works today.
5) Please address all technical issues to our helpdesk
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