By default ICMP traffic is blocked through the firewalls on our Cloud VM plans. That means you will not get any response when trying to ping your VM IP address or a domain on the VM. This would also affect other ICMP-based commands like traceroute.
If you want to open up your VM to allow ICMP traffic then you can either allow ICMP traffic with a Firewall rule or disable the firewall.
You make these changes in the Cloud Control Panel - you can reach the Firewall section as follows:
Virtual Machines > vm name > Networking > Firewall
Virtual Machines > vm name > Tools > Edit Firewall Rules
Add Firewall Rule
Fill in the details as follows when in the Firewall panel:
- Interface: has to be eth0, your VM only has one network interface
- Command: Accept.
- Source Address: Leave blank for access from anywhere, or put in the IP address or netblock range in CIDR format that you want to open\block the 'ping' from.
- Destination Port: Leave blank.
- Protocol: ICMP.
Once done press Save and then 'Apply Firewall Rules'.
You may need to re-order the rule, typically to the top of the list, should there be another rule above this one which is blocking traffic -
See article below 'Changing the order of rules':
Disable Firewall
Follow these steps when in the Firewall panel:
Change the default command from DROP to ACCEPT > Save Rule > Apply Firewall Rules
If doing this you should ensure you have a firewall installed on the VM itself first for security. The following may help you with that:
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