Before contacting us there are just some general issues you might want to check first.
Have you looked through the knowledgebase for the answer to your question?
We are constantly updating and adding information to our knowledgebase so the answer to your question might be in here.
Have you looked at our tutorials?
Sometimes the best way to look into an issue is to see it visually and our tutorials are good guides for most of the actions you might need to do on our hosting packages.
Have you checked your website error logs?
Most issues relating to errors on your website should be in your error logs
Is your issue relating to something we can help you with?
We don't typically provide any website design or coding support - you might want to run such issues by your website designers first. We also don't provide any Search-Engine Optimisation and can not help you in relation to your ranking on various search engines etc. If you are having an issue connecting to the Internet in general then this will affect your ability to receive email and view your website so you may want to try contact your Internet Service Provider
Our VPS plans are all also currently unmanaged so there is limited support we can offer you in relation to an issue on your VPS plan. If there is a bug in the Plesk control panel we may be able to raise the issue with the Plesk designers for you, but in most cases you might want to try checking any logs on your VPS, restarting any services that might be having issues, or try restarting the entire VPS itself.
Is the email address you are using to contact us working?
If you are having any issues relating to email, or even your entire domain and think email might be affected, then please don't contact us using the affected email address or domain as you may not be able to see any replies. If in doubt use an external email address like an or address. Provided you aren't requesting any major changes or requesting personal account information we should be able to help you.
Include as much information as you can
When you raise an issue with us please include as much information about the issue as possible, or be as precise with your query as you can.
Basic things you can include:
- the domain name
- describe the problem including any error messages that you get
- can you give us a link to a page where we can see the problem?
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