This applies only to websites hosted on our Minimus, Medius, or Maximus plans - on the platform.
If your webspace is NOT showing in the Site Backup page, there may be a couple of reasons why.
1) FTP Access is not enabled.
Websites >> $DOMAIN >> FTP Access
Make sure that this has been set up.
If this has been set up, proceed over to the Site Backup tab to see the websites added to the backup.
Websites >> $DOMAIN >> Website Configuration
Click "Edit" and Enable FTP Support there.
If this has been set up, proceed over to the Site Backup tab to see the websites added to the backup.
2) You have an exclusive IP address for your website
You may have an exclusive IP address if you happen to have a SSL Certificate with us and you will be required to add your website manually.
We have a guide here on how you can set up a new webspace manually in Site Backup:
If you are experiencing issues with adding your Webspace to Site Backup not addressed above, please email us:
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