How to add a device/agent & configure backup plan
Assuming you have created the user for Acronis backup Create User you can then install the agent for the device. Assuming you have clicked the Log into Backup Console button as per below:
On the initial login. You will then be asked to install the Agent. The Agent is the piece of software that will be installed and run on your device/server If you click on "Show all options" it will give you a detailed list of the agents you can install as per below:
You will need to click on the box that related to the Operating System you wish to install the Agent on. Once you click on the appropriate button for your device/OS you will then be prompted to save the .exe file. Once you have, locate it on your device click on run.
This will then ask you to install and proceed with installing, as per below:
Once the installation is complete, you will then have to Register the device. This is done by clicking on Register now. Which will open a tab in your browser and prompt you to enter in your user details. Create User
Once the registration is complete you will then be presented with the following screen where it will all you to enable/configure what/where to backup the content to.
When you click on the ENABLE BACKUP Button. You will then have the options for configuring the backup plan:
• What to back up: Entire machines, disk/volumes, files/folders
• Where to back up: Cloud, Local, Network storage
• Schedule: Backup scheme – monthly, weekly, daily, hourly?
• How long to keep: Retention rule – By backup age, By number of copies? • Replication: Enable replication? From where to where?
• Encryption: Turn on AES encryption for backups?
Once set to meet your needs. Hit CREATE to complete the backup process.
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