This article applies to buying or renewing an SSL certificate on our newer platform.
Once you have ordered or renewed your SSL certificate and the order has completed, you will receive an email with instructions on how to configure the SSL. Please click on the link in the email. It will go to the main account administrator contact email on your account.
Generate CSR
You will first be prompted to provide a CSR or have the system generate one for you. We recommend use us to Generate the CSR for you if installing on any of our shared hosting plans, or a plesk\cpanel server. Otherise (expecially for a Windows server or external device) you should generate the CSR wherever you are installing the SSL, and paste it in here.
When generating the CSR you need to put in the details relating the company\website the SSL certificate is for.
Country - pick the relevent country from the drop down list
State - The county\state the business is located in
Locality - City, town, or region name the business is located in
Organization - The company name
Organization Unit - The business the company is in, or you can use 'web'
Common name - This is the most important option here. This is the domain\hostname (without www.) that you want the SSL certificate to cover (non-multi SSLs cover both www. and
If ordering a Wildcard SSL certificate make sure you put in * here.
Email address - A contact address for someone in charge of the SSL at the company in question
Once you have pasted\generated the CSR fill in the details then for whomever is managing the renewal of the SSL certificate - that might be different to the company the SSL is for, and proceed to the next step.
You will only see this option if you ordered a multi-domain SSL certificate. Put in all the hostnames you need the SSL cert to cover here. Multidomain SSLs do not include www. by default so if you want both and covered you need to include them separately.
Validation\DCV Method
You can pick 4 options here. We recommend DNS if the domain is using our nameservers:
Email - this will send an email to one of 5 optional email addresses on the domain the SSL is to cover. You cannot set it to send to any email address not in the list of options. You will need to create the required email address first if you want to go with this option
HTTP\HTTPS - you will be given a txt file you need to upload to the website, that has to be accessible via HTTP or HTTPS, to complete the validation.
- A guide on how to validate using HTTP/HTTPS can be found here: How to validate SSL Certificate order with HTTP or HTTPS method
DNS - you will be given a CNAME record to create to complete the validation. If the domain is using our nameservers then you can create the CNAME record through our control panel as per: Creating a CNAME record for SSL Validation
Once you pick the validation method and complete the configuration you will be brought back to the client area.
It can take a few hours for the validation to complete, once you click on the link (if using email validation), upload the txt file (If using HTTP or HTTPS Validation), or create the DNS record (If using DNS Validation) (depending on the DCV option you went with). If you do not receive your SSL certificate in 12 hours and are sure you have completed the validation correctly, please contact and we can assist you.
If you need to change the validation method please see here: Change-SSL-Validation
To install the SSL certificate once it has been issued, please see here: Install-SSL-Certificate
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