There are a number of steps that have to be followed, and completed in full, before you can use your Office 365 subscription: as this is the case, it may not be possible to use the subscription immediately after it is active in your account.
Please email with your domain name and client ID if you want extra help getting your 365 account set up. This can take a couple of days depending on workload. If you would like to attempt this yourself in the meantime then please follow this guide.
This guide only applies to Microsoft Office 365 plans purchased after 2022, on our platform.
If you are looking to purchase a new Microsoft 365 license type (eg. Business Standard or Apps for Business), you will need to enter a Tenant ID, but if you already have Microsoft 365, then you can enter any random words in here.
Office 365 Articles
Please see the following URL for more articles relating to Office 365 subscriptions with ourselves:
Further Queries
If you have any queries on this, please contact our Support team - see the following for our contact details:
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