Shared Hosting
Common questions about any of our shared hosting plans or similar services on our our newer platform
- Moving your website from to
- Moving your website from to [WordPress Hosting]
- Add a domain to Plesk
- Adding Squarespace DNS Records on
- Backup options on Linux shared hosting
- Can I use ASP on Linux?
- Can you help me debug or improve my scripts or website code?
- Create a Password-Protected Folder on WordPress hosting (cPanel)
- Enable AccelerateWP for WordPress Hosting
- GZIP Compression / Deflate - Linux Shared Hosting
- How do add an extra domain to my plan?
- How do I access the cPanel control panel?
- How do I access the Plesk control panel?
- How do I add a subdomain?
- How do I change my PHP settings?
- How do I create a database?
- I can't add an Addon domain
- I uploaded my website, but I still see the holding page. What is wrong?
- I want another domain to show the same website as my main domain
- Masked redirect using frames
- My website has been hacked, what do I do?
- Password Protecting your WordPress website on WordPress hosting (cPanel)
- Streaming Flash video content - progressive loading
- Using PHP mail on our Shared Hosting servers
- What are my FTP details?
- What is the IP address for my website?